Declutter your Service Center

Learn to prevent non-valuable contacts

The Result

Minimum contact volumes, reduced costs, happy customers

What Our Customers Are Saying

WOCAS® is a software-based solution that helps you reduce your contact volumes to a minimum.

WOCAS lets you empower your customer-facing staff, whether at the call center or at field, to let the company know the issues customers are raising repeatedly. Front Line Staff captures these issues in WOCAS and since the origin of most of the issues is at various departments of the company, it helps top management to assign the issue to the responsible department and track progress. By analyzing the individual contact structure of your company, you can reveal potentials to eliminate inbound contacts or shift them to digital self-service.

WOCAS strives for a profound change within the organization, where your service center becomes an asset and is not considered a cost center anymore. This transformation with WOCAS makes your customer service modern, agile and efficient.

What we achieve

  • 20% contact reduction year over year
  • Radically lowered operating costs
  • Systematical elimination of customer issues
  • Clever self-services
  • Agile and digital customer service that is considered an asset
  • Customer satisfaction and loyalty


With WOCAS you explore the root causes of your service contacts and learn how to permanently eliminate unnecessary contacts.


Reveal clear potentials to automate or digitalize your service processes and improve the digital customer experience.


Learn to use your customer service as a live-ticker for customer satisfaction and tackle problems before they cause negative customer experiences.

Need More Information?

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