Post Training Ready Reckoner

AskWithAI, empowers your employees to access critical information instantly, acting as your organization’s central Knowledge Hub and a powerful employee experience tool. 

  Through secure access control, AskWithAI chat bot empowers your employees to:

Find the right Answers quickly

Reduce time wasted searching for information by 10x or more. AskWithAI‘s intelligent search engine surfaces the most relevant knowledge, eliminating the need for endless document hunting.


Boost Productivity

Streamline workflows and free up valuable employee time. By providing immediate access to accurate information,  AskWithAI empowers employees to focus on core tasks and drive business results

Increase knowledge base and self service

Foster a culture of self-sufficiency with a platform that continuously learns and improves. AskWithAI reduces reliance on colleagues for basic information, freeing up everyone’s time and fostering a more empowered workforce.

Real world Examples

Boosting Customer Service Efficiency

Customer service and back-office personnel can leverage AskWithAI to find quick and accurate answers to their own process-related questions or those from customers. This eliminates wasted time searching for information and ensures consistent, accurate responses, leading to higher customer satisfaction


Empowering your Field Force

Field salespeople and service personnel can use AskWithAI to quickly find answers to customer questions. No more scrambling through manuals or waiting for callbacks – AskWithAI puts the knowledge they need at their fingertips, allowing them to deliver exceptional customer service.

Empowering Remote Teams

Staff working at remote sites can leverage AskWithAI to find answers to questions on company products, processes, and procedures. This eliminates the need to contact headquarters or the call center, saving valuable time and fostering greater self-sufficiency.

Facilitating Informed Decision-Making:

During meetings, leaders can use AskWithAI to surface key points and insights from previous meeting notes. This allows for faster recaps, informed decisionmaking, and smoother transitions into new discussion points

Need More Information?

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